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3 Ways Climate Change Affects Your Home Choices

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On this year’s International Day of Peace, let's take a moment to think about how lucky we are to be safely snug inside of our homes. It’s not the same case for some families around the globe. A hot topic of tension right now is the climate change crisis and how it’s affecting all of us on a global scale.

Ever wish you could do your part to save the planet? Let’s talk about how you can do that! No matter how small you believe your contribution will be, it will still make an impact starting with changes made inside the home like making sure your AC unit is running efficiently.

Social Effects of Climate Changesocial effects of climate change

With great weather changes comes great responsibility. Here are some ways you might not believe that climate change is affecting you. For example, global heating causes widespread migration from certain regions, causing overpopulation and tension in other areas.

Overpopulation causes a strain on resources, including over-use of electrical energy, decreased air quality, the transmission of disease, and depletion of food and water. An increase in the world’s temperature leads to more use of artificial climate systems, like your HVAC System, and can lead to high energy costs and over-usage.

These are hot times, everyone, but there are things you can do to keep your family’s home safe and cool. It’s important to be mindful of your HVAC’s system’s health -- a poorly functioning HVAC system can increase your utility bills and risk breaking down. Run regular maintenance and if your system is getting too old, consider a whole system overhaul.

Programmable Thermostats Are a Startprogrammablethermostats

Sometimes we like to stick to the old trusty systems that have never failed us, but as the world changes, our technology uses and necessities change with it. Scientists and engineers are hard at work every day to improve our energy efficiency and reduce our carbon footprint. One way you can help the planet (and your wallet) is by investing in a programmable thermostat. These helpful tools are improving every day and have become very affordable with the increase in demand.



Here are some ways a programmable thermostat can change your life:

  • They reduce your energy bills (Up to 30%!).
  • They allow for scheduling -- program them to run more during the day, and less at night.
  • Control from your phone -- turn it on when you’re on your way home, or already lying in bed.
  • Alerts for any malfunctions you can’t see yourself.
  • Convenient motion, light, and humidity sensors.

...Or Plant a Tree!plant a tree

It’s easy to feel powerless when such a crisis is affecting the world at large. A lot of people believe they alone can’t do anything about it, or they let others worry about taking action. Most people don’t know that planting a tree can make a difference! In the spirit of #Peaceday, here are a few reasons why planting a tree might be one of the most important things you will do in your lifetime.

  • Trees remove harmful pollutants from the atmosphere such as ozone, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide, letting out clean, breathable oxygen. We can’t live without oxygen!
  • Trees reduce the urban heat island effect by evaporative cooling, and providing shade from direct sunlight to buildings and pavements ergo, providing a cooler environment.
  • Trees reduce the amount of stormwater runoff, protecting our land from erosion and pollution.
  • One tree is estimated to absorb up to 10 pounds of polluted air each year, and makes over 260 pounds of fresh oxygen a year! It might not seem like much but imagine what planting a whole garden could do!
  • Curb appeal! Interested in selling your home? Trees make your yard look more beautiful and attractive to buyers.

The world changes when we change with it. Investing in eco-friendly tools and planting trees are not the only way you can do your part for your community. We are all in this together! Work close to home? Ride a bike! Don’t throw away those glass mason jars. Recycle and reuse! Start a compost bin! There are so many ways to get involved, no act is too small. Do your part today!