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Which Air Filters Are the Best for Allergy Relief?

allergy Boutwell's Air

Choosing the Right Allergy Relief Filter for Your Home

When seasonal allergies come around, they are rough on everyone. You may get the sniffles, have a cough now and again, or even sneeze your head off any time a window or door is open. While constant coughing could be an indication of a more severe issue, in most cases, it’s a seasonal issue or your home may need a UV air sanitizer.

If you or someone you love struggle with allergies, it is essential to know which filters to turn to right now. You need to immediately be able to tell if a symptom is just an allergy or possibly something worse.

You Need HEPA Filters to Weed out Springtime Allergens

By filtering allergens out, you can experience fewer allergy symptoms and know that you are keeping yourself safe. HEPA filters are so effective, they actually have the potential to capture 99.7% of all particles in your home larger than 0.03 microns.

Additionally, it can help improve the overall indoor air quality in your home, helping all family members, even those without allergies. Many brands carry HEPA filtration in them, including Aprilaire, 3M Filtrete, and Honeywell. However, do you really know what that means?

It is all about the design. When you put a HEPA filter in your home, each time the blower kicks on, it is pushing the air through that filter. It is designed with very fine holes, meaning that it catches even fine particles that would otherwise be floating around your home. This can include things like:

  • hepa filtersPollen
  • Human and Pet Hair
  • Bacteria
  • Pet Dander
  • Dust
  • Some Viruses
  • Plant Spores

Are Charcoal Filters Better for Springtime Allergies?

Activated charcoal filters are another great option when you have springtime allergies. This is because they go one step further than a HEPA filter, and work to trap odors and gasses out of the air as well. The activated carbon sits within the filter, trapping particles as they are forced through the HEPA filter.

These are often too small to be caught in a traditional home filter. If you struggle with allergies, your best bet is using allergy relief filters that combine HEPA filtration with activated carbon to keep the air as clean and pure as possible.

Frequently Caught Particles Include:

  • charcoal filtersMold
  • Fumes
  • Smoke
  • Bacteria
  • Pet hair
  • Pesticides in the Air
  • Pet Odors

HEPA Eco Mode Reduces Your Environmental Footprint

eco friendly Boutwell's AirWhen your goal is to help maintain the environment and reduce your overall impact, it is essential that you consider it in all avenues.

Through the use of HEPA Eco Mode, you have the opportunity to do that with your home filter. With Eco Mode, your filter will run as long as it detects any type of pollution in the air.

After a short time of no pollution, typically around 30 minutes, your filter will then turn off. This saves money, saves wear and tear on your filter, and it saves the environment, all at the same time. It takes the filter detecting more pollution for it to turn back on. That way, it is not running when there is no reason or when the air in your home is clean.

Regardless of what filter you choose for your home, any upgrade can be helpful for those who suffer from allergies in the spring season. While trying to keep yourself and your family safe, you should look into the benefits that a HEPA filter, especially combined with a carbon filter, could provide your home.

About Boutwell’s Air Masters

When it comes to HVAC services in Pensacola, Boutwell’s Air Masters is a reliable, long-term service provider. They have been helping those in and around Pensacola, FL for over 45 years. If you need advice or guidance on which allergy relief filters would best suit your needs, contact them!